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Books on Herbal Medicine

A typical students book list for studying Herbs and Formulas.
coverChinese Herbal Medicine: Materia Medica by Dan Bensky - One of the more common intro to herbs books. It presents an in-depth study of 473 medicinal substances. Meticulously illustrated, each herb is identified by its pharmaceutical, botanical and family names, together with its Chinese, Japanese, Korean and English common names.

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coverChinese Herbal Medicine: Formulas and Strategies by Dan Bensky - Bensky's matching book, set up exactly like the Materia Medica, with almost 600 formulas, their components, usages and dosages. Both this and the Materia Medica are on the Primary Resource list for the NCCAOM herbal exam.

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coverClinical Handbook of Internal Medicine by Will MacLean - Herbal and acupuncture internal medicine guidebook. It pics a few disorders per organ and then goes in depth into every possible pathology and then tells how to treat every pathology present with both herbs and acupuncture.

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coverPractical Therapeutics of Traditional Chinese Medicine by Yan Wu - Internal medicine with a focus on herbs. Similar to the Clinical Handbook with a broader range of topics but less detail.

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coverHandbook of Chinese Herbs by Him Che. Yeung - Aside from Bensky, this is the other book on the Primary List for the NCCAOM Herbal. Although Bensky's volumes are in most ways more comprehensive, these are better laid out and accessible.

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